Port Authority Bus Terminal

625 8th Avenue

Port Authority Bus Terminal Details

A major transit hub for buses arriving from outside of New York City, this huge bus station is located in the heart of Manhattan, one block west of Times Square. How huge? On a typical weekday, approximately 7,200 buses and about 200,000 people use the bus terminal! The Port Authority Bus Terminal is virtually a city within the City offering a variety of amenities to travelers and the surrounding communities.

Please be aware of your surroundings if you are visting for the first time. It's probably best to leave the station quickly, and you should ignore people offering help or assistance. Plenty of uniformed employees and police officers can be asked for help if you require any.

Note that direct underground passageways connect the terminal with the Times Square subway station.

Port Authority Bus Terminal
625 8th Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Editorial Rating
Admission And Tickets

Port Authority Bus Terminal Map


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